September 27, 2024

Proven UX Design Techniques to Boost Your Conversions

Proven UX Design Techniques to Boost Your Conversions

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In today’s competitive landscape, where a strong digital presence can make or break a brand’s success, businesses must go beyond simply having an online footprint.

The ability to captivate, engage and convert visitors into loyal customers is paramount. As companies strive to stay ahead of the curve, mastering the art of digital engagement has become essential.

In this era of exceptional digital innovation, the following proven strategies serve as indispensable tools for companies seeking to expand their online presence, enhance user experience and ultimately boost their conversion rates to new heights.

Social proof

When people make decisions, they often follow the choices or actions of others, a phenomenon called as social proof.  

You can use this to encourage users to try products or services by showing them how it helped others.

Encouraging users to leave reviews and ratings, and sharing real-life case studies and success stories, can highlight positive experiences with your product or service.

For example, uses social proof by displaying user reviews, ratings and testimonials, which is key to its success in the hospitality industry.

You can boost conversion rates by adding visual indicators of popularity, like best-selling items or most-watched videos to guide users toward popular choices. YouTube’s Trending tab, with its list of popular videos and accompanying view counts, likes and comments, sparks interest and engagement by showing what’s trending.

By integrating social media feeds, likes shares and comments directly into a product’s user interface, you can highlight social engagement and build trust.


Testimonials build trust, provide proof and create emotional connections that are essential for boosting conversions.

When people see specific results from users like them, with real numbers, they’re far more likely to take action.Would you trust a product with zero reviews? Probably not!

Imagine you're about to purchase a new design tool. You come across a testimonial like, “This tool increased our productivity by 50% in the first month!”

This directly addresses any doubts you have about whether the tool is effective.

People trust what others have experienced and 92% of consumers read testimonials before making a purchase.

Brands or clients associated

Featuring recognisable client logos on your site acts as instant social proof, showing that reputable brands trust your product or service.

"Who’s in your corner?"

Displaying client logos creates a sense of security by associating your brand with established, credible companies.

Consumers often make buying decisions based on familiarity and trusted associations.If you visit a startup's website and see logos from companies like Microsoft or Google, it instantly validates the business.

Potential customers think, "If big names trust them, I can too!" This trust can result in a 30% increase in conversions, according to CXL Institute.

Client logos are a powerful form of visual social proof that instantly boosts credibility, trust and confidence. By showcasing logos from well-known brands, you leverage their reputation to influence potential customers and reduce buying friction.

This simple yet effective tool can increase conversion rates by up to 40%, making it an essential element in any successful UX strategy.

Explaining the process

People don’t buy what they don’t understand!

Explaining your process eliminates uncertainty. When users clearly know what to expect, they are more comfortable moving forward.


A subscription box service might explain, “Step 1: Choose your box. Step 2: Personalize your items. Step 3: Enjoy your delivery every month.” This clear roadmap makes it easy for users to commit.

A food delivery service might say, “Place your order in under 3 minutes, track your delivery, and enjoy fresh meals at your doorstep in 30 minutes!” This shows potential users that they can quickly get what they want with minimal effort.

A SaaS product might explain, “Sign up in minutes, customize your dashboard, and start seeing insights within 24 hours.” Knowing that the process is quick and easy can make hesitant users feel more comfortable signing up.

Explaining your process is a powerful tool for boosting user experience and conversions. It builds trust, reduces hesitation and simplifies the decision-making process for users.

With clear steps and transparency, you can increase conversions by as much as 25-35%.

When users understand what to expect, they are more likely to engage and take action!

Offering guarantees

Offering guarantees removes the perceived risk of trying a new product or service, making users more likely to commit.


A software company offering a “100% satisfaction guarantee or your money back” reassures users that their purchase is risk-free. This added trust can nudge uncertain users toward converting.

An online course offering a “7-day trial with a full refund if you’re not satisfied” makes the decision easier for hesitant buyers. They can try it risk-free, lowering their resistance to clicking “Buy.”

A beauty product company offering a “Try it for 14 days or get your money back” guarantee entices users to take a chance on something they may not have considered.

Offering guarantees boosts conversions by reducing user risk, increasing trust, and encouraging hesitant customers to make a purchase.

With the right guarantee, you can increase conversion rates by up to 45%, helping your brand stand out and giving users the confidence to take action.

By eliminating doubts, guarantees transform "maybe" into "yes!"


"What if waiting meant missing out?" Scarcity creates urgency, pushing users to act now rather than later. When users feel that they could lose an opportunity, they are more likely to convert quickly.

Research by HubSpot shows that urgency-driven tactics like scarcity messaging can increase conversions by up to 27%, as it forces users to act fast before missing out.


Think of booking a hotel room on a site that says, “Only 2 rooms left at this price!” This scarcity message encourages users to book immediately rather than risk losing the deal.

E-commerce platforms like Amazon use phrases such as “Only 5 left in stock!” or countdown timers during sales, pushing users to finalize their purchase before the product sells out.

When a user sees a flash sale banner reading “Sale ends in 2 hours!” it pushes them to decide before the time runs out, rather than spending time comparing options.

Scarcity is a powerful psychological driver that boosts conversions by creating urgency, increasing perceived value and triggering fear of missing out.

With scarcity tactics, businesses can see conversion rates soar by up to 33%, as users are more likely to act fast, engage more deeply, and value what’s being offered.

When people believe time or availability is running out, they are much more likely to convert!


Exclusivity makes users feel special and important.

When people think they’re getting access to something others can’t than it enhances their sense of privilege and drives conversions.

Luxury brands like Louis Vuitton or Rolex often market their products as exclusive, limited to a select few. This feeling of being part of an elite group pushes users to act, leading to higher conversions.

What if your customers stayed with you longer because they felt exclusive? Offering exclusive deals or products to loyal customers strengthens their connection to your brand. This deepens the relationship and encourages repeat purchases.

A fashion brand promoting a “Members-only limited edition collection” creates higher demand than a regular release. This perceived value motivates users to buy quickly, fearing they’ll miss out on something valuable.

Exclusivity is a powerful tool for boosting conversions by making users feel special, creating urgency, and increasing perceived value.

With the right exclusive offers, brands can increase conversions by up to 30%, while also fostering long-term loyalty and higher customer lifetime value.

When people believe they’re part of an elite group, they’re more likely to convert and stay loyal!

Limited-time offer

Limited-time offers create a sense of urgency, pushing users to take action right away. When something is available only for a short period, it forces customers to act quickly rather than delaying.


Flash sales like “50% off for the next 2 hours” create a sense of excitement and urgency. Users who are hesitant are more likely to buy because they don’t want to miss out on a rare opportunity.

An e-commerce site using a banner like “Buy in the next 30 minutes to get free shipping!” motivates users to complete their purchase without hesitation.

An email campaign offering “48-hour exclusive discounts” can drive higher engagement, as users are more likely to open and click the email if they know the deal won't last long.

Limited-time offers are highly effective in boosting conversions because they create urgency, trigger FOMO and encourage users to make quick decisions.

With tactics like flash sales or countdown timers, you can see conversion rates increase by 30-50% and significantly boost engagement.

When the clock is ticking, users are more motivated to act now rather than wait!

Specific numbers

Specific numbers help create a sense of transparency and honesty. When users see exact figures, they are more likely to believe and trust the information.


Instead of saying “Our service saves you time,” a brand could say “Our service saves you 12 hours per month.” This exact figure feels more credible and impactful.

On landing pages, using phrases like “Over 97,000 happy customers” or “Boost your productivity by 30%” grabs attention much more than general statements.

Instead of saying “Our product ships fast,” you could say “Our product ships within 24 hours.” This precise number gives the user confidence in delivery speed and influences their decision to purchase.

Using specific numbers in your messaging boosts conversions by building trust, grabbing attention, providing clarity, and improving persuasiveness.

With precise data, brands can see conversion rates increase by 22-36%, as users are more likely to engage with and believe in offers backed by clear, concrete numbers. When the details are specific, the results speak for themselves!

Call-to-action buttons

CTA buttons provide clear direction, helping users know what the next step is, whether it’s signing up, buying, or learning more.

A well-placed CTA eliminates confusion and leads users smoothly down the conversion funnel.


A SaaS company using “Start Free Trial – Limited Time Offer” on their CTA button gives users the feeling that waiting means missing out, motivating them to act.Netflix uses a prominent red “Start Your Free Trial” button on its homepage, which stands out and encourages users to engage right away.

Shopify streamlines its checkout process with a “Complete Purchase” CTA, making it easy for users to finalise their decision with just one click.

CTA buttons are essential for guiding users, creating urgency, simplifying decisions, and increasing engagement.

With strategic placement, clear messaging, and personalisation, CTA buttons can boost click-through rates by 30-50% and increase conversions by 12-202%.

These powerful tools are the final push users need to take the next step in their journey, making them indispensable for boosting conversions!

By implementing these UX design techniques, you can improve user engagement on your website and boost conversion rates. Remember to continuously test and optimize your design strategies to enhance the user experience further.

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About the author
Dragos has been working in design for more than a decade, helping companies of all sizes develop intuitive digital products that are successful in capturing user's heart and attention, while achieving business' goals.

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